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Vacation blues

15 Feb

Hey Fluffies

I’m going to be on vacation so lots of reading will be done but I’m going to wait until I get back to my laptop to write my blurbs. So in a bout a week expect lots of posts. Till then!!!

P.S. should I continue my book numbering or start anew since it’s been so long.


Hello, is anyone there?

6 Feb


She lives!!!! Haha. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything.   A quick update on my life, I liked Korea so much that I decided to stay another year.  I like living here, but  homesickness is really hitting me hard this year, so I won’t be resigning my contract and I’ll be moving back stateside in a couple months.  Yay for getting free books from the library once again!!!!!! On the book-reading front, I have been reading (I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop reading) and being abroad has forced me to switch to an E-reader(love the name as I am coincidentally an E-reader, haha, I’m so dorky).   After being gone away for almost two years, I have to re-learn how to write my blurbs, but I’ll try and write more updates.




Life Craziness!!!

30 Jul



I got a job in Korea, teaching English, so I’m so very sorry why I haven’t posted anything in ages.  And I probably won’t be posting anything(or have any free reading time) while I get adjusted to a) my new job, and b) to living in another country.  But please please bear with me, I’ll try and get a new post as soon as I can.

Otherworld Mania!

19 Jul


Okay this is my kick off post for my Kelley Armstrong reading madness. I wanted to read all the other Armstrong novels before I became too busy/engrossed/dying from heat. I thought well I’ve already read 5/ 13 books it shouldn’t be too hard to finish, but then I discovered she wrote a bunch of novellas. If you check out this link it has all the stories in the Otherworld Universe, and I made a nice little document to check what I’ve read (a measely 5/51!) Unfortunately I’m under limited funds, so I could only grab her printed works from the holy library.


Most Read Authors

3 Jun


How are you! I hope you are doing well.  I had a quick question for you?  How many of you use Goodreads?  Because I absolutely love it.  I only wished I had discovered the site sooner!  One of the features that I use is the Most read Authors.  I wanted to share my list, and please leave a reply so I can see yours.  (The list shows the top 10, or those authors who I’ve read 5 books or more)


Marry, Date or Dump: Odysseus, Achilles & Hector

27 May

Alison Doherty

This week we are going to travel back to Homer’s Greece. Let me know which hero from the Odyssey or the Iliad you would marry, date and dump in the comments below. I’m pretty excited to find out who choose! Also as a side note, given the option to provide pictures of the characters from the film Troy or pictures of statues … I choose Troy, not the serious choice but I think Brad Pitt more than makes up for it.


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Goodwill Finds!

30 Apr

So a new goodwill opened up in my city, can I get a whoop! haha On my first trip there I got these 4 books at 2 bucks each! And I saw a few more that I hope are there when I come back! Yay for thrift store shopping!



P.S. Has anyone read these books? They seemed interesting so I hope that I enjoy them! 🙂

Waitlisting at the Library

13 Apr


I love the Library.  Free books to read, comfy chairs, open for hours upon hours = golden.  Another function that I totally love is the “hold” option on books. It’s basically a waitlist, but it guarantees that you can read the book at some point.  Anyways just wanted to show some appreciation for it, and share with ya’ll some of the books I’m on hold for.  waitlistingpng



Library Bundle

22 Mar

So I got back from my vacation a few days ago, but I’m still very much in vacation mood.  I usually do some reading during the traveling portions of vacation, but not this time, so I am kinda behind on my reading list.  I thought I’d share this photo of my current library haul.


by the way, did I mention that five of em are due by the 27th.  Bam here I go!




10 Mar


I will be taking a vacation to San Diego, so no new posts this week.   But enjoy this  meme that I found.    🙂




Romance Novels for the Beach

Find out which sexy books to bring with you, or leave behind, on your next beach vacation.

Alison Doherty

Reader, Writer, & Writing Teacher


Because there's no such thing as too many books- there's just not enough shelf space

Steel &Velvet

For The Love of Romance Novels

Apphia In Korea

The tale of one short Irish girl who moved to Korea to teach English and have super crazy adventures and maybe do other stuff too

Book Hub, Inc.

The Total Book Experience

Crack On Paper

To all the books that have me hooked.

Hilary Makes

A doorway into my world. Sometimes an adventure.

Books, j'adore

story lovers unite

freaky folk tales

A haunting we will go...


book + movie = mook. this is mookology.

